Welcome to Syniah!

Posted on 11/01/13 under 1CRM

1CRM already does a great job blogging and providing information about the 1CRM system, but we occasionally like to write about it too, so this is where that will be happening.

There’s lots to look forward to – 1CRM is just completing its rebranding from info@hand, and we’re looking forward to the new 1CRM Enterprise edition later this year – and of course we’ll be providing licenses, hosting and support for that too.

Stay tuned, and we look forward to doing business with you!

About us

Syniah.com is a service provided by Synchromedia Limited, a UK company based in Brighton run by Marcus Bointon and Andrew Mann. Synchromedia was started in 1999 and has been selling and supporting 1CRM since 2006. Synchromedia provides hosting, web development, server and database configuration, administration and management, training and related services.

Synchromedia also owns and runs smartmessages.net, a powerful email marketing platform developed entirely in-house.

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